Is a scam or is it legit – Review
If you’re reading this chances are you know that something doesn’t seem right about Well good thinking however I know for many of you reading this getting penis enhancement pills is more important than reason so if you want under the counter medicine that’s a possible option. Personally I would avoid too many cases where these pills cause damages that can’t be fixed however there are instances where some people had no problems.
People reading this should know that has several different domain names. Commonly this is a technique used by scam companies legit companies are more concerned with getting their brand out there while reviews for scam companies show that they will change their website name every time they’re exposed. I WOULD AVOID however if you want to buy from them go right ahead. If you’re looking for the recommended brand excluding Viagra and Cialis check out VigRX Plus it works and I know personally it works.
One other thing to get a better understanding of what I mean by being a scam check out or just type “PHARMACY RX ONE” into Google or Yahoo there are a bunch of these websites all over the net.