www-grow.com SCAM!
Here’s my thing and I say it frequently if you want to grow your penis or get harder longer erections the best two SAFEST options available are Viagra and Cialis. With that said when it comes to muscle builders my recommendation is to go to your local health store or make your purchase on Amazon because buying it from the people that www-grow.com is recommending is not a good idea. In fact if you go to www-grow.com it currently says the following:
this is a test. it is very very good to grow very very big
Yet if you go to one of their many promotional webpages such as
- http://www-grow.com/grow-gaming/usCE4/
- http://www-grow.com/grow-gaming/usRE1/
- http://www-grow.com/pornstarsize/calp4/?r=
You’ll see that they’re promoting all types of things from sex games to penis pills. I have nothing against promotion or capitalism just be careful with those online trials because they’re never worth it in the end especially the ones that are derived from companies that don’t have a good reputation. The only under the counter penis enhancement pill that I’ve heard that works is VigRX Plus which I’ve heard from quite a few people that I know pretty well works. I can’t make that claim because I’ve never used it. I wouldn’t call www-grow.com a scam based on my review of their site and my reviews of the products their recommending all I can say is be careful what they’re promoting looks like a scam to me and I wouldn’t sign up if I were you but do whatever you want.