If you’ve heard about twistys then you should have an idea of what twistys hard is all about it really is twistys on a whole other level the downside for me is based on what I’ve seen I wasn’t that impressed the quality ofcourse was great however I still think that the Mofos Network has everyone beat I don’t feel their is anyone offering anything better right now. That raw feeling can only be compared to the old Bangbus days but the difference here is that the Mofos Network brings it in almost every video and the women they use are amazing and you have to remember many are amateurs and you know what they say about the amateurs.
Twists hard is good but if you’ve signed up I dare you to compare Twistys to the Mofos Network 10/10 you’ll become a fan just like I did you won’t find sluts like these anywhere only certain companies have that kind of power to attract the best new talent out there.