There’s another spammer to report on, this time the spammer is using the domain name. As is the case with the spammers who are spamming me forwards to which is a scam and based on my reviews the sites is promoting are scams too. The apparent address of this spammer is
33112 E.Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Obviously this is a scam, and these scammers aren’t worth the time. If you’re looking for a legit sex dating website it would be wise to join AdultFriendFinder which is a sex-themed dating website with entertainment features.
If you’re looking for a live webcam sex chat service Live Jasmine is obviously the best and what’s great about Live Jasmine is that when you join you don’t have worry about fake pictures and fake profiles because Live Jasmine when you click on an image you’ll be sent to the members live webcam for chat. Beware of these scammer they’re not worth time or the effort these frauds are typically trying to get your private information. Be smart do not give them any of your private information because it will lead to more scams. I’ve been obviously targeted for this spam because I write reviews, but based on how these emails are structured chances are they’re being sent to millions of people. Don’t be another victim of their fraud.