Review – My thoughts
I really like; It operates in a very similar manner to my favorite cam site. The only thing missing from this cam site currently is more models and of course every cam site needs more visitors apart from that I think is great the prices are fair they don’t force you or keep asking you to sign up like some of the other web cam sites. Yes from time to time a pop up will pop up requesting you to join now but this is understandable in my opinion.
What I think about
I think will be around for a very long time, also has a different feel too from other cam sites to me it’s a lot more unique it seems to me like most of the cam site providers are all using the same software to create their brand where seems to have had their own customer cam software built. I wouldn’t call the best adult web cam site but I would put it up there as an elite web cam site that deserves your attention.
Final word on
As far as I know is 100% legit I cannot speak on behalf of others all I can say is did not scam me and I think they’re a great site. On the flip side my top web cam site to date still is Live Jasmine. According alexa which is owned by amazon Live Jasmine is currently one of the top 100 websites online. That is a huge feat and if you visit Live Jasmine you’ll understand why the women there are beautiful and there are so many of them the guys are the same Live Jasmine is a very good live web chat community and currently it’s my favorite.
Click Here for the Live Jasmine website