Is a Scam?
well based on my reviews is not legit or a scam, it’s basically a search engine that offers some information, not really sure that I trust it, and I’m not going to recommend it to anyone. With that that if you want to buy from one of their recommendations don’t let me stop you, just make sure you do some research on the company you’re making your purchase from prior to ordering anything.
Most of the time rxindexer is promoting penis enhancement pills, which if you’re going to try them, you’ll want to consider seeing a professional in medicine first because legitimate sources who sell Viagara and Cialis typically require that you answer some questions or that you qualify first. If what you’re looking for is a way to purchase an erection pill without all the regulations you’ll want to consider trying VigRX Plus.
the reason that VigRX Plus is the most recommended is based on actual results tested. So they’ve done the researched and actually received real feedback from users and from doctors. Although there wasn’t a 100% success rate the result proved to be better than all the others that were compared with it. This is primarily why VigRX Plus is the go-to source if you don’t want to go through questions from Cialis and Viagara which can have side effects because as everyone knows they basically found it by accident as it was an after effect of them trying to cure something else.