There’s another spammer to report on this time the spammer is using the domain name. Currently the domain name is recommending, which is fine had they not spammed me. The email address of the spammer that messaged me was:
Local Matches noreply
and the subject of the spam email message sent to me from noreply stated the following:
Guess who likes your profile !?
The actual spam email message that was sent to me from noreply contained spammy links which for safety reasons I didn’t include when publishing this blog post, however the remainder of the noreply can be viewed below:
StephanieLuv added you to her friend’s list.
She’s not far from you and her photo ratings are 10/10.
Visit here to see Stephanie.
She’s very interested in you.
This noreply spammer trying to make itself seem legit had a message that claimed I could remove myself from future messages, this would statifactory if I signed up to receive messages from noreply but I never did this which is why noreply is a scammer and a spammers, below is the message I recieved at the bottom of the noreply spam email message without the spammy link.
Modify subscription settings.
FutureAd, 8, 1019, La Urca, San Jose , Costa Rica
After viewing this blog post I hope you can see that is a scam, let me also make it clear that is a scam as well, any review claiming that is legit is possibly a scam review that shouldn’t be trusted. If you’re looking for legit live webcam sex chat Jasmin live is the best plus they won’t spam you, sell your email address or scam you. If you don’t care for what I have to say make sure that you terms and conditions.