FuckBuddyBang.ru SPAM!
FuckBuddyBang.ru usually located here at FuckBuddyBang.ruhas been sending me a ton of spam emails lately. There’s another spammer to report on this time the spammer is using the FuckBuddyBang.rudomain name. Currently the FuckBuddyBang.rudomain name is being forwarded to MegaFuckBook.com. If you read a legit review or reviews regarding MegaFuckBook.com it’s easy to see that it’s a scam.
It’s also easy to see that MegaFuckBook.com is affiliated with entities who send spam email messages. If you’re looking for a legit adult sex dating website AdultFriendFinder is the only sex dating website I’ve joined that works which is why I’ve been member of AdultFriendFinder for more than a year now.
The subject of the FuckBuddyBang.ruspam email message sent to me stated the following:
? New way of understanding girls and women ?
The actual spam email message sent to me from FuckBuddyBang.rucontained a spammy link which for obvious reasons I didn’t include when publishing this blog post. As matter a fact most of what was sent to me was a bunch of gibberish that this FuckBuddyBang.ruspammer is using to get through the spam filters. Below is excerpt of what’s said on the FuckBuddyBang.ruwebsite.
you are about to uncover the NEW “FIND-MILF-SEX SITE” that everyone is talking about…
Better than tinder
* No Fake Profiles
* No Bullshit
Just enter your zip and fuck local MILFS!
I’m not going to waste anymore time with this. Bottom line here is that FuckBuddyBang.ruis nothing more than a scam and if you sign up to whatever they’re recommending you’re setting yourself up for more spam emails.
After reading this blog post I hope you can see that MegaFuckBook.com and FuckFriendNow.ru/ are nothing more than spammers and scammers. If you’re looking for legit live webcam sex chat Jasmin live is the best amateur webcam community plus members don’t have to worry because they won’t spam you, sell your email address or scam you!