FloozyCity.com SPAM!
FloozyCity.com is a huge culprite of being a scam and if I were you I would avoid signing up and if you’re going to sign up I highly recommend that read the Instabang terms of service. Actually I’m not sure if they’ll even be promoting that scam when you read this. The truth is FloozyCity.com is using porn stars to promote Instabang. I try to use one of the examples in this blog post they also have other pornstars that they use to promote their scam although FloozyCity.com doesn’t have a homepage it has a bunch of other pages which is uses as disguises to trick men mostly into signing up for their fraudulent dating website which if you review it’s terms and condtions you’ll see that people sending you messages aren’t real people nd if they are they’re being paid to do so. FloozyCity.com is not legit if you’re looking for something legit visit Jasmin live where what you see is what you get. FloozyCity uses pictures of pornstars to trick people into signing up for their scam. Stay away and avoid joining this scam. All I can do is warn you the rest is up to you.