Is a Scam?
For anyone thinking of signing up for the recommendations being ofered at consider the fact that their are plenty of these blogs all over the internet many of which disappear after a months also take into consideration the trial offers being offered and their prices and the overall effectiveness.
In most instances sites like are nothing more than promotions and trial offers that actually inflate the prices of a supplement, if you’re looking for a legitimate boner pill VigRX Plus is the only one you’ll find under the counter with actual real verifiable testimonials from real people, furthermore you can further validate the validity of VigRX Plus by reading up on their clincal studies, the actual ingridients included in the VigRX Plus pills are proven to work for most men.
With that said it;s not 100% I can’t guarantee it’s effectiveness for everyone however there now have been thousands of men using it for multiple years as proven from the testimonials of men that have been using it for a full year and document their results.
I would not recommend anyone follow the instructions being offered at, I’m not writing this to control your life do what you want with your money but you’ve been warned. If you want to grow your penis it’s a much better idea to check out Sizegenetics it’s the best on the market and if can stick you with it it has proven to work.