Spam is a scam and they’re sending everyone spam to get people to sign up to their spam dating website called all reviews including mine for has been bad and that’s why is scamming people so hopefully people will sign up before hearing the truth of how they. If you’re smart and you want to sign up what I recommend you do is read and review their terms or their terms and conditions where they basically reveal what they’re really doing which is they first lure you in with the porn star pictures making you think you can date these women then when you sign up they’ll send you messages that appear to be coming from hot women to get you to upgrade.
If you upgrade then they upsell you with live sex video chat you see it’s all one big scam to avoid all that you just go to the Jasmin sex chat community where you can basically start chatting with women right now and plus the Jasmin sex chat community is always upfront with how they work that’s why they’ve been the best for so long. Because they’re the best spammers like try to scam people I highly recommend staying away from