Megan Fox – She’s so beautiful
There’s beauty and then there’s fantasy, depending on where you live in the world like lets say you live in Los Angeles California in one day you’ll more than likely see at least 10 beautiful women just walking down the street. With that said how can someone stand out amongst other beautiful women? Megan Fox does that the video below is perfect example of how a truly beautiful woman can mentally paralyze a man.
If you haven’t done so yet
I also follow Megan Fox on Twitter but she hasn’t sent a tweet since 2013 and I’m publishing this blog post in July 2014! She’s more like I am with Twitter because quite frankly I’m not geezer old but I’m pretty old myself and I still don’t understand the hype surrounding twitter.
There are a few other things to note about Megan Fox and it’s her distinctive features that just make you say to yourself wow! You may not actually realise how truly beautiful Megan Fox is until you put her side by side with someone else you might consider pretty. She really is a work of art and unfortunately for humans they don’t make women this beautiful every day she truly is a rare beauty that is deserving of our admiration. similar to Marilyn Monroe her beauty will be remembered for generations to come and other women will aspire to match her physical appearance as her beauty at least in my opinion is the standard of what a physically beautiful women aspire to be. I thank the “gods” for making such beautiful woman that I can stare at whenever I want to escape reality.
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