Legit or Scam? – Review
There’s quite a few scams out there especially 3d porn games, as it stands now seems to be legit, I would exactly call TheDollWarehouseGames the best thing since slice bread but I wouldn’t call The Doll Warehouse Games a scam either, that’s based on my reviews as of Februay 2016. with that said let me point out where the bullsh*t comes into play.
Let me point out that you don’t need a credit card to verify your age, that’s a bunch of nonsense. If using your credit card to verify your age were true free tube sites wouldn’t exist and would be illegal.
On the order page which is the current order page linked to it currently states the following:
By completing this transaction you will receive free access to our premier member’s area PremiumTubeSite as well as for a trial period of 1 days. Should you choose to remain a member and not cancel your account, we will automatically upgrade you to a full membership which automatically recurs at 59.95 monthly. Applicable transactions on your statement will appear as **bonus offer 1: 3 day, 2.50 trial to which automatically upgrades to a 59.95/month membership unless cancelled.
**bonus offer 2: 4 day, 2.50 trial to which automatically upgrades to 59.95/month membership unless cancelled. ***bonus offer 3: day, 2.50 trial to which automatically upgrades to a 2.50 every 10 days membership unless cancelled. The Date of initial publication of this information is: 4/5/2006. Most recent date of reissuance: 2016-02-07All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions.
One of the most embarrassing things for most people to do is to call their credit card companies to have charges removed from a porn company. So if you’re going to sign up with make sure you read the fine print prior to joing.
I’m not callling a scam, but I’m not recommending them to anyone sign up if you like but I challenge you to compare and 3d Girlfriends and tell me which one looks better to you. Because as I’ve been saying and 3d Girlfriends is the best 3d porn site online right now.