Is 3dyank.com legit or is it a scam?
If any form of adult entertainment deserves have a fee it’s this one. If I was creator of this type of adult entertainment I would demand compensation. If you’re wondering if 3D Yank is a scam the answer is NO! 3D Yank is 100% legit and reviews for their videos are pretty good if you’re interested I recommend signing up with them. Unlike other adult sites I’ve signed up for there are no hidden fees and all fees are presented the moment you decide to sign up. I have no complaints about 3dyank.com the only thing I would say is My 3d Girlfriends is far superior plus their upgrades are a lot better
My 3d Girlfriends takes things a step farther than everyone without the hidden charges are the unnecessary premiums. My 3d Girlfriends does have upgrades and other portions to their network however that’s optional so you choose what you want to watch without worry of interruptions or unnecessary advertisements. My 3d Girlfriends has continued to grow mainly because of people like us and word of mouth advertising I think that’s way most people including myself prefer them over anyone else.
When you compare their quality and their consistency you’ll understand why most companies go out of business so quickly or struggle to push out anime with good quality and good story lines. You have to have the best people working to make these sites work and My 3d Girlfriends definitely does that!