SPAM! is sending people SPAM globally and their spam works like this say send you spam and then along with their spam email they have this section at the bottom that says
“You are currently subscribed to receive offers, email alerts and communication from the Online Dating Networks at (Your email). You may unsubscribe or write AMPED Technologies 1333A North Ave #336 New Rochelle, NY 10804”
Currently is promoting in an email that says the following
Allison has turned her profile to full access and wants you to know about it.
Go here to view
All of this stuff is a scam and I recommend staying away from these scammers and spammers all the rral reviews for have been bad if you’re going to sign up read and review their terms and conditions first before giving them your debit or credit card. Those of you looking for a legit cam community visit Jasmin live the pictures are real and the people are available for webcam don’t trust pictures and pay to get catfished.