There’s another spammer to report on this time the spammer is using the UkraineLiveShow domain name. How this spammer operates is that you’ll get a spam email message from and the link from that spam email message will go to which then forwards you to which is obviously a scammer for
Based on my reviews UkraineLiveShow is not legit and is indeed a scam, they’re sending out spam emails because their services are fraudulent and everybody knows it except for the people who they’re sending their spam emails to.
If I were you I would not join Ukraine Live Show they’re a fraud, they’re a scam, they’re the worst type of scam, but if you want to join them I won’t stop you, just don’t say I didn’t warn you about their scam, because they’re spamming a lot of people and most of the people reading this blog post are reading this blog post because of the spam email they got.
If you’re looking for a legitimate international dating website, you may want to check out Dating International where you can find legitimate singles from Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines, you can actually meet these singles in person, you can read the Dating International Testimonials which we update weekly and monthly with new success stories to learn more.
Legitimate international dating websites have a legit physical address and offer services that allow you to meet foreign women in a safe and secure environment, you can also join Dating International and use their online international dating services. Don’t fall for these email scammers, they’re a waste of time.