You guessed right and yes is a scam and at the moment it has it’s domain name forwarded to which as I’ve stated on several instances that, that’s a scam that uses fake pictures and fake profiles to get men mainly to sign up for it. If you don’t beleive me read reviews about them or simply review the terms and condtions for yourself it’s clearly a scam. The spam email that was sent to me came from Sheree Knorr sheree_knorr(at) and the subject of the email stated the following:
You got a PERSONAL MESSAGE from Sheree Knorr
The body of the spam email came with a stolen picture of an amateur pornstar which I added to this post and it also contained the following message:
You got a PERSONAL MESSAGE from Sheree Knorr:
I am not looking for a commitment right now.
I am busy pursuing my goals and dreams and I haven’t got time for a long term relationship if you know what I mean…
If you don’t mind, we could get to know each other a little bit closer… 😉Waiting for you with impatience,
Clearly both and are scams I wouldn’t sign up to either or reply to that email if I were you. If you’re looking for a legit webcam community that doesn’t spam or use fake pictures go to Jasmin live people love it because what you see is what you get pictures can be verified on webcam if the user is online.