If you received a spam email from and want to know if it’s legit or a scam? It’s ofcourse a scam and currently it has its domain name forwarded to another scam called which if you read and review it’s terms and conditions it’s clear to see that is not only a scam it’s also an perpetuator of spam. Furthermore you can read reviews about them to know with 100% certainty that they’re a scam. The spam email that messaged me was ★ Sasha Gotcher ★ sasha_gotcher(at) the subject of this scam message was.
Hey sweety, do you want to HAVE SOME FUN?
The body of their spam email came with a pic that added to this blog post along with that picture was a message that stated the following:
Sasha Gotcher has ADDED YOU to her contact list!
Message from Sasha Gotcher:
Hi dear,
I’ve just broke up with my boyfriend and I don’t really want any serious relationship at the moment.
Do you want to go out and have some fun with me?
I’ve seen you on Facebook and I am sure we can have some great time
Clearly this is a spam if you’re looking for a legit webcam community go to Jasmin live which is a site unlike because the pics are real members and all available for webcam chat.