If you received a spam email from a “.us” domain name, if you think it’s legit? It’s not it’s a scam and the domain name is currently being forwarded to which if you review it or read reviews about it is clearly a scam. Chances are these “.us” domain names are owned and operated by foreigners so I advice anyone reading this to be very careful and don’t give out your personal information. The scammer that emailed me their email address is Penny Stricklin penny_stricklin(at) and the subject of their spam email states the following:
Hi it’s Penny, wanna be my FUCKBUDDY?
The body of their spam email contains a stolen picture which I added to this post and it also contains a message that you can read below:
Penny Stricklin sent you a private message:
I love casual dating, quickies in the park and pool sex 😉
I’m not too picky about guys so just message me and lets have some fun!View My Profile Here:
I removed the fraudulent link in their spam email from this blog post because it contained malicious codes that can harm peoples computers. I advise anyone reading this not to sign up for whatever the spammer is promoting. If you cam here looking for a legit sex webcam community to date the most recommended and one of the largests is Jasmin live it’s prefered because unlike it does not spam or use fake pictures. It’s legit and pictures can be seen and verified on live video