If you somehow landed on one of the many webpages try not to take them too seriously they’re really nothing more than a promotional scam. Depending on which one of their webpages you land on they’ll ask you a series of questions and more than likely they’ll send you to a website like Depending on when you read this blog post maybe they might recommending a different site I’m not sure.
If you’re wondering wtf is well it’s really which has a bad reputation online because some people think that conducts is business in a bad way.
My option is that I don’t think and/or are scams but I wouldn’t exactly call them legit either. As I’ve stated plenty of times over A Foreign Affair is a way better than especially if you live in the United States.
But I should also explain to anyone reading this that A Foreign Affair is a site that you should only use if you like to travel, have money to travel or have money in general. If you’re struggling or don’t have much money to your name trying A Foreign Affair or any foreign bride or international dating service is a bad idea because it’s going to cost you a few thousands dollars no matter what. How do I know? Because I’ve been there and done that. A Foreign Affair is the best international dating service if you want to meet beautiful foreign young or middle aged women.
I don’t say this is as fake review site i say this as someone whose been there and tried that. A Foreign Affair creates an atmosphere for you to succeed setting up dates for, allowing you to pick and choose who you want to date. Sure the women have a say but there won’t be too many women turning down the chance to find love with a foreign man.
Many of you reading this think they’ll like you only for the money you have? This is not always the case the truth is when you use a service like A Foreign Affair the foreign women are using the service not because they can’t find man it’s because the men in their countries that they meet either don’t want to settle down or they have expectations for their women that those women want nothing to do with. That’s when some women will add the factor of having a high standard of living into mix which why A Foreign Affair is the perfect international dating service.
Now I’m not calling a scam I’m not calling it legit either all I’m saying based on my reviews is that I wouldn’t sign up with them if I were you!