There’s another spammer to report on this time the spammer is using the domain name. Here’s the thing about the spam emailer is that they make it seem like you can unsubscribe when you can’t making matters worse is that you never sign up for this scam, to begin with. Based on my reviews, this fraud first sends you a scam email that states the following:
Want to see what I mean? This website contains explicit pictures, videos, stories, images,
or sounds
You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. If you are under 18, or if
it is forbidden to view this content in your community, you must leave this
Please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE subject.
[email protected]
The spam email is forwarded to which then asks you a series of questions, your answers to these scam questions don’t mean anything example:
Before we can show you a list and photos of women who live near you and are ready to have sex right now, we need to ask a few quick questions.Continue
Question 4/4:
Are you at least 24 years old? These women have requested that we do not let men under age 24 contact them because of past immature behavior.NOPE YEAH!
you’re then sent to which is promoting, I’ve written about and being involved in spam before, I’ve reported them and nothings been done, so I don’t expect them to do anything now as I think they’re complacent in all of this. That aside it’s a scam, if you’re looking for a legit adult sex dating website for me AdultFriendFinder works the best, I tested them all and the only one that consistently worked was AdultFriendFinder.
I’ve written in length about those results, with that said if what you’re looking for is a legit live webcam sex service Live Jasmine is the service everyone tries to copy, it’s just what is because when you go to Live Jasmine you’ll notice that the pictures aren’t retired porn stars like you’ll see in most scam dating websites, no at Live Jasmine the members are legit and verifiable on live sex webcam, which you can see and test for yourself.
wanted to add to the post and also remind people of the other spammers, that are linking to the same domain name. is sending out the same spam email message, also is doing the same, I don’t want to make it seem like I’m only writing about this for one spammer, no, this spam is piling up and that’s why I’m reporting it.
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