legit or scam? Reviews
If you landed on one of the many webpages chances are it’s promoting something. As an example the webpage I landed on led me to the VR Fuckdolls webpage however the order page I landed on was Now as we all know there’s an actual website at However in this instance for whatever reason the order page for me at least was while this might not be important to some of you it’s important to me because on the order page it states the following:
**) Your Free Lifetime access to FreeGamesMembers includes a free 2 day trial to All Access Network+++. TO AVOID BEING CHARGED, SIMPLY CANCEL YOUR TRIAL MEMBERSHIP DURING THE TRIAL PERIOD. If you remain a member beyond the Trial Period, your All Access Network membership will renew on the same calendar day at a fixed $39.95/month, until cancelled. Your lifetime access to FreeGamesMembers remains active even if you cancel your All Access Network membership.
Special FREE Bonus Offer:
+ VIP Membership Includes The Following Offers:
– – 10 Days Free Trial, membership renews same calendar day at a fixed $49.95/monthly, after the trial period ends unless cancelled
– – 7 Days Free Trial, membership renews same calendar day at a fixed $39.94/monthly, after the trial period ends unless cancelled

Now if you want to avoid all this stuff you can uncheck the box that says Special FREE Bonus Offer: Ultimately I don’t necessarily think is a scam, based on my reviews it’s not legit or a scam. Based on my review I’d simply call a promotional offer that you want to be aware of prior to joining.
Now my position regarding 3d porn has not changed. Many of you have come to appreciate the fact that I brought 3d Girlfriends to the forefront. Because 3d Girlfriends doesn’t have tricky billing and it’s rather straight forward most promotional companies like to ignore them. But when it comes to me I only write about the best and as of 2017 3d Girlfriends is the best.
If you remember I didn’t write a lot about 3d Girlz because not everybody is into downloading. With 3d Girlfriends which is owned by the same company that changed how they do things and in my opinion made it even better. What i will say in closing is compare 3d Girlfriends to what is offering and you decide. In the end I think majority of you will see why I’ve been saying 3d Girlfriends is the best for almost 3 years now. It’s a sign of even greater things to come.