There are some more spammers to report on, this time the scammers are using the and domain names.
Now allow me to be a bit more specific because if you go directly to the and domain names you’ll notice there is nothing there, however when you go to this will take you too which tries to scam you into join scam dating websites which based on my reviews are complete frauds and not legit. Join whatever fraud they’re promoting at your own risk, I’m telling you best on my reviews, that whole spam operation is a fraud that will lead to more spam.
If you’re looking for a legit live webcam sex chat service you’ll definitely want to consider checking out Live Jasmine which doesn’t use fake pictures or fake profiles, when you join Live Jasmine what you’re getting is real people who have pictures which can be verified by going to their live webcam sex chat Live Jasmine profile.
If you’re looking for a legit adult dating website you’ll want to consider visiting AdultFriendFinder which based on my reviews is the only legit sex-themed dating website that I ‘ve tried which actually delivered.
Now, I’ll be the first to say that when I joined AdultFriendFinder everything didn’t go smoothly, I had to post a full profile and I had to be patient, my reviews of AdultFriendFinder lasted for 3 months by the way.
My final conclusion with AdultFriendFinder was that your location and your profile does play a factor in your rate of success.
This ultimately why I believe that Live Jasmine is such a good option because your results are instant and you’ll be successful without posting a profile, at Live Jasmine it’s between you and the person you’re chatting with. Be part of an online community in which you know the users are legit!