It’s strange the amount of spam these low lifes are sending all around the internet and I wouldn’t care if I signed up to received this spam but I never signed up for any of their sites EVER and definitely not with the email address they’re spamming. is a scam and currentl it has it’s domain name forwarded to which if you read reviews or if you review for yourself is clearly a scam that uses fake pictures, fake profiles and pays employees to chat. The spammer that emailed me was Lara Ham lara_ham(at) and the subject of their spam email stated the following:
Hi it’s Lara, wanna be my FUCKBUDDY?
This fraudulent spam email also came with a picture that I added to this blog post for reference and it also came with the following message:
Lara Ham sent you a private message:
I love casual dating, quickies in the park and pool sex 😉
I’m not too picky about guys so just message me and lets have some fun!View My Profile Here:
Clearly this is not legit it’s a scam don’t reply just delete and report these scammers if you came here looking for a legit webcam website go to Jasmin live the pictures you see there can be verified on live webcam which is one of the reasons why they continue to grow plus they don’t send or allow spam.