julia-blaylock.us SPAM!
julia-blaylock.us is a spammer that is currently promoting xmeeting.com using spam emails. If you got a message from julia_blaylock(at)julia-blaylock.us I recommend that you delete and report it. I don’t recommend that you reply to it as it will more than likely lead to you getting more spam from a variety of spammers. For your records both julia-blaylock.us and xmeeting.com are not legit they’re scams and if you read and review the xmeeting.com terms and conditions they basically explain how their fraudulent operation works and they basically let it be know that they’ll spam you if they get hold of your email or information they say they will share it. If you read any legit reviews about xmeeting.com they all say that it’s a scam. Currently the subject of the julia-blaylock.us spam emails say the following:
You’ve Been Favorite Listed by Julia Blaylock!
These messages come with a picture of usually of an amateur pornstar that they use to make you believe that shes interested in you when really all of this is made up. I tried to add the picture to this post for your records. Furthermore the body or the message being sent by julia-blaylock.us states the following I removed the link for safety concerns:
Julia Blaylock has added YOU as a Favorite!
This person is very interested in you!
_______________________________________________________________________________________I’m so frisky today…
Let’s get to know each other… 🙂julia-blaylock.us
My advice is to stay away if you’re looking for a legit webcam community that doesn’t spam go to Jasmin live another feature that makes the the best adult webcam community is that the pictures can be verified on webcam so getting catfished won’t happen here.