judy-montag.us SPAM!
judy-montag.us is another spammer working for seekingmilf.com which is a fake adult dating website and I advise anyone reading this to make sure they read and review the seekingmilf.com terms and conditions prior to signing up because if you read past reviews of seekingmilf.com the legit ones will ay that it’s a scam. The judy-montag.us spam emails that I recieved are coming from judy_montag(at)judy-montag.us and with the spam email is an image which I tried to add to this post. The picture is of one of those amateur porn models it’s usually stolen and the spammer does this to get people to respond so that they can send you more spam. The subject of the spam email is
Frankly speaking… I WANT YOU!
and the body of the email says the following I would like to add that I removed the link from the message because of safety concerns.
You know… I’m not gonna play stupid games with you…
I really like you..seriously!
We’ll not waist our time on endless chatter or other bullshit.
Let’s make magic now…you know what I mean ;))You’ll find me here: judy-montag.us
I’m waiting for ya!
In closing I hope you know by now that judy-montag.us is not legit it’s a scam and if I were you I would report and delete this message and it’s not being sent by a real person. If you’re looking for a legit webcam website the best option which has the largest community is Jasmin live most people prefer it because it delivers meaning the pictures you see are of actual members.