harmonyhookups.com legit or scam? harmonyhookups.com Review
If you landed on one of the harmonyhookups.com and not sure what to make of it, well for the most part it’s a promotiional website with multiple webpages. a few of their webpages can be seen below:
- http://harmonyhookups.com/simpledating/
- http://harmonyhookups.com/peak/
- http://harmonyhookups.com/en1/
All these harmonyhookups.com webpages are promoting a different sex dating website which based on my reviews puts harmonyhookups.com in the category of a dating promotional site. Based on my review I wouldn’t call harmonyhookups.com legit or a scam I would just call it a promotional website. One thing I will say is I do think based on my reviews of LocalMilfSelfies.com I don’t think they’re legit and do think LocalMilfSelfies.com is a scam. LocalMilfSelfies.com is one of the sites harmonyhookups.com is currently promoting if you’re going to sign up with LocalMilfSelfies.com make sure you read their terms and conditions because there’s a section in their terms called “4. FOR AMUSEMENT PURPOSES ONLY” where it says the following:
Interactions originating from Online Cuties functionality could be computer generated or could be created by the Site or third party contractors hired by the Site.
With that said sign up with whatever harmonyhookups.com is promoting at your own risk. It’s not place to tell people what to do. What I will say is if you’re looking for legit live webcam sex chat Jasmin live has the best amateur community plus based on my experiences they will not spam you, sell your email address or scam you! If you’re looking for a legit adult sex dating website AdultFriendFinder is the only sex dating website I’ve tried that actually works.