legit or scam – Reviews

Depending on what webpage you land on, it could be promoting a wide variety of things. Usually promotional websites like these are promoting scams, or if they’re not they’re usually promoting websites with deceptive billing practices. So if you’re going to sign up for whatever is promoting make sure that you read the terms and conditions prior to giving away any of your financial information such as credit card or debit card etc.
The page I landed on was promoting Forge of empires at which is an online game that I’ve heard about. Based on my reviews Forge of empires is not a scam, with that said make sure you read their terms and conditions before you join because there’s a reason I’m not recommending them. Yes they’re legit, but I’ve tried better adult games than what I tried at
Personally I prefer 3d Girlfriends I’ve personally been loving this game almost 2+ years now. It’s really strange for me to says, because in the past I used to go from 3d game to 3d game. But 3d Girlfriends is really a home run especially when you try comparing it to it’s competition.
Many of you might know the company behind 3d Girlfriends. Most people have heard of 3d Girlz, as many of you may already know the knock on 3d Girlz was that you had to download it. Well that’s one of the reasons why 3d Girlfriends is in my opinion the best right now. Simply put they evolved 3d Girlz and made it even better. All I can say to you is try forge of empires and then try 3d Girlfriends then tell me which is better? I’ve tried them all and I’ll continue to try them all, when I find one better I’ll let everyone know about it.