fuck-buddy-tonight.com SCAM!
If you go directly to fuck-buddy-tonight.com you’ll get a message that says something like:
;Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) PHP/5.3.28 Server at fuck-buddy-tonight.com Port 80
However fuck-buddy-tonight.com has a bunch of promotional webpages circulating all across the net a couple of them can be viewed below:
- http://fuck-buddy-tonight.com/pops/3q1.php?i=2
- http://fuck-buddy-tonight.com/pops/3q1.php?i=4&engsec=15
I’m going to keep this post as short as possible if you’re going to sign up with whatever they’re offering I highly recommend reading the terms and conditions prior to signng up because most of the sites I saw them recommending such as cheatersfantasy.com in my opinion is a scam and not only is it a scam it’s also a sex dating website that will send you SPAM EMAILS Prior to signing up consider reading the terms of cheatersfantasy.com a few things I mention first is the fact that cheatersfantasy.com is located in Dositheou, 42 Strovolos, P.C. 2028, Nicosia, Cyprus. second thing I want to mention in the cheatersfantasy.com terms is where it says
section b of that section says the following:
You agree to allow any contact information provided to the Site, including any email addresses, to be shared with Our affiliates, partners and independent contractors, for purposes of receiving electronic messages and promotions from such entities. Your agreement to these terms constitutes your specific consent to receive such messages in the future.
Personally I hate websites like cheatersfantasy.com and I consider them complete scams I don’t recommend them and I would not sign up with them if I were you I write a lot about spammers and I consider cheatersfantasy.com to be a spammer. if you’re looking for a legit adult sex dating website located in the United States that DOES NOT spam join AdultFriendFinder. I tested the AdultFriendFinder for several month’s I even wrote a 800+ post about my experience using them they’re 100% legit. fuck-buddy-tonight.com is a promotional site based on my review and reviews of who they’re currently recommending I advise my readers to be careful about trusting them make sure you read the terms of who they’re recommending.