SPAM! is a perpetual email scam how it works is they buy your email address and sell it to more spammers. In simplier terms if you unsubscribe from they’ve already sold your email o another spammer or they’ll simply use your email with anther domain they own. The email they sent me has the following title
hookup site promo
It comes from
and the message states the following:
Jackie has granted you full access to her profile details and pictures.
Click here to view
At the bottom of the email it says:
The email was sent by the online dating network in accordance to the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up. If you feel you received this in error or want to be taken off future emails, please go here or write us Iocus Global Gateway 8 Rue de la Perle, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles.
Best I can tell these spam emails all come from which is scam website that I sign up for in the past which was a complete mistake because now these spammers send me scam after scam. Before you sign up for read and review their terms and conditions all reviews for thier sites have been bad so I recommend that you avoid that scam. If you’re looking for a legit webcam community sign up with Jasmin live they have no fake pictures and every picture can be verified on cam if that person is online. No funny business and you won’t get any spam.