Here’s the thing people aren’t reporting is the fact that these spammers have their domain names forwarded to the largest online dating frauds. Currently has it’s domain name forwarded to a scam dating website called If you want to know what a scam looks like read and review the terms and conditions if that’s not enough for you read legit reviews about them from people that actually signed up. The spammer that emailed me was Frances Sutliff frances_sutliff(at) and th subject of their fraudulent emails stated the following:
You’ve Been Favorite Listed by Frances Sutliff!
The body of this spam message came with a picture of what appears to be an adult actress that I added to this blog post for your records so you know is scam. Also their spam email came with a message that you can read below.
Frances Sutliff has added YOU as a Favorite!
This person is very interested in you!
_______________________________________________________________________________________I’m so frisky today…
Let’s get to know each other…
Clearly that’s a scam and I recommend you don’t reply or respond to that message also I removed the link because I found out it contained a virus. If you came here looking for a legit sex webcam community currently Jasmin live has the best one online the pictures there are legit and can be verified on live webcam unlike which uses fake profiles, stolen pictures, ficticious profiles and paid employees to make people sign up to them.