FH International Limited SCAM
If you’re getting spam emails and you’re seeing this address
FH International Limited, Island House, Grande Rue, St Martins, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY4 6RU
Then you’re getting spam emails that are derived from flirthookup.com which I’ve warned people several times is a scam. If you get the chance read their terms and conditions where they basically say that they’ll spam anyone that signs up with them. What this means is even if you didn’t sign up with them they’ll spam you. Here is a quote from their terms and conditions page. found here: http://www.flirthookup.com/site/terms
6. With the exception of personal financial and billing information, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, unlimited, royalty-free, world wide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, freely transferable, license to run, display, copy, reproduce, publish, bundle, distribute, market, create derivative works of, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, sub-license, export, merge, transfer, lend, rent, lease, assign, share, outsource, host, make available to any person or otherwise use, any information or other Content you provide, upload, or transmit, on or through the Services we provide or which is sent to us by e-mail or other correspondence, for any purpose whatsoever. We may use any and all of this Content, including but not limited to text and photographs (regardless of whom they may depict) of any nature for any purpose, including, but not limited to their commercial public use in websites or in any other media we or any associates or contractors or licensees of ours may operate and in any other media of any nature whatsoever, published or operated by anyone. We shall have no obligation of confidentiality to you regarding any such Content unless specifically agreed by us in writing or required by law. We shall never be obliged to delete any information from the web site. These foregoing provisions shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason.
That’s the definition of a scammer right there and that’s why I right these posts warning people about adult spam emails because these lowlifes will spam any person even if they didn’t really sign up flirthookup.com. I hope people will continue to report these spammers. If you’re looking for a legitimate sex dating website AdultFriendFinder is the currently the best and also one of the oldest legit ones online. They won’t send you spam messages either.