If you receieved a spam email message from I recommend that you don’t reply to it because they’ll sell your information and you’ll get more spam. The best way to deal with these spammers is to report them to proper authorities. is either affiliated with or working with which is currently where they’re trying to get people to sign up.
In case you didn’t know the emails being sent by dena_saladin(at) are not legit and if you review the reviews from real people using they’ll all tell you that it’s a scam. It’s not just that they’re scammers but they’re also sending or a part of spam. This is wrong and needs to stop so please report them. The subject of the email they sent to me stated the following:
Hey Stranger! This is Dena. CALL ME!
and the body of the email was quoted as saying:
A friend of mine told me that I can easily find someone in my area for a discreet sexual encounter without any obligations. This is exactly what I want!
This is my online portfolio:
dena-saladin.usCall me today!
Naughty me!! 🙂
For the record I removed the link from the email when I added it to this post for safety concerns. Furthermore I advise anyone reading this not to click that email they’re a scam. If you’re looking for a legit webcam community Jasmin live is the best option. The pictures you see there are verifiable when the user is online and available for webcam chat. I forgot to mention I tried to add the picture that came with the spam email.