SPAM! is a spammer and scammer that seems to be affiliated somehow with which man already know is not legit and is indeed a scam. If you read legit reviews about it’s clear to see that this site uses fake and stolen pictures to get people to sign up for their fraudulent website. is an example also that will spam you or take your email or your profile and sell it for cash.
The email message I received came from ★ Cortney Hammontree ★ (cortney_hammontree(at) and I never gave this person permission to contact me. Plus as we know this is a fictitious character and the truth is this is nothing more than a spam email. The body of this spam message stated the following:
This is Cortney. I’m in town. SHALL WE MEET?
The spammer does this to make you think that an old friend is trying to get in touch with you. The body of the email stated:
I am back in town. Remember me?
I removed the link from the email for safety reasons because in most instances those links lead to malicious softwares that will harm your computer. My advice is don’t sign up delete this message don’t reply to it and report it to the proper authorities. If you’re looking for a legit webcam community then Jasmin live is the superior option to because the pictures on their site are verifiable on webcam if the user is online at the given period.