SPAM! is a spammer for a scam dating website called all the legit reviews for this site have been horrible which is why they’ve resorted to spam as a way to recruit people to their scam dating website that is filled with fake pictures and profiles. I’m not sure what message you received from cori_lafreniere(at) But the one I got said from ” ★ Cori Lafreniere ★” in the subject line it said the following:
This is Cori. I’m in town. SHALL WE MEET?
This is clearly a scam in the body of the email it stated the following:
I am back in town. Remember me?
I removed the link from the message because of safety concerns because sometimes those links contain viruses in them. Again I advise you not to reply to the email being sent by If you’re looking for a legit webcam community currently the prefer option is Jasmin live. The reason people prefer it over is because unlike that scam the pictures you’ll see will be of real people that can be verifed on webcam if they’re online.
This is what people want some legit that does not spam. If I were you I wouldn delete that email and report that scammer immediately if you don’t just don’t say I didn’t warn you because if you reply chances are that you will receive more spam from them and quite possibly you might get spam from others because they like to sell peoples email addresses.