cecilia-hensley.us SPAM!
At the moment or I should say at the publication date of this blog post cecilia-hensley.us is currently working for fuckbooknet.net meaning their current domain name is being forwarded to fuckbooknet.net. I’ve personally sent several emails to fuckbooknet.net asking them to get a handle on their spammers I’ve also told them what spammers are sending me spam and it seems every day a new spammer sends me a spam email asking me to sign up for fuckbooknet.net or another scam dating websites that is also involved in the spam process. With that said I was personally sent a spam email from Cecilia Hensley cecilia_hensley(at)cecilia-hensley.us an the subject of this spam email stated the following:
Frankly speaking… I WANT YOU!
The body of the email came with a picture which I added to this blog post and the message that came with the picture I added below:
You know… I’m not gonna play stupid games with you…
I really like you..seriously!
We’ll not waist our time on endless chatter or other bullshit.
Let’s make magic now…you know what I mean ;))You’ll find me here: cecilia-hensley.us
I’m waiting for ya!
For your notes I removed the malicious link contained in the cecilia-hensley.us spam email. Reviews for this type of scam and my review for fuckbooknet.net is to stay away. They’ve been warned about this type of spam from them or their affiliates and they’ve done nothing about it. If you’re looking for a legit webcam site Jasmin live is recommended. Unlike fuckbooknet.net the pictures you see their can be verfiied on webcam.