legit or scam? Review is a cleverly marketed scam that has several different webpages one can be found here and the other can be found here both of those page have different narrators which obviously dismisses the notion that is offering something exclusive unique or legit. Also I have to add that their testimonials are fake the picture I tried to add to this post is one of a an amatuer pornstar. In case you’re curious to know how most of these amateur photos of nude women hit the net. Many cases it’s new women entering into the porn industry or escorts or photographers making money selling them on the net. On the topic of make sure you read their terms and conditions prior to signing up because the price isn’t just $2.99 below is an example of the full price
Your purchase comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, simply call 1-800-511-5104 within 30 days to request a refund. You are signing up for a 2.99 order of SquirtCode – the only trusted video series to give girls squirting orgasms. Only if you decide you like the product, do nothing and you will be charged 39.97 per month (satisfaction guaranteed) until canceled . You may call us anytime to cancel at 1-800-511-5104.
My review is that they’re not selling anything new or anything that you can’t find on the net for free. Reviews for products like this are terrible because the reality is that this is one big cash grab for crap. All women aren’t the same and if you approach them that way you’re going to suck. The best way to get women is trial and error and not to give a fuck. If you have money and want to be around attractive women go to A Foreign Affair. If you’re broke I’m telling you from experience trial and error get out more talk to as many women as you can for 1 week and it will come to how easy it is. It’s fucking nature man you don’t need a guide to get women it’s not like you’re building a nuclear generator or something. I have a friend that can’t even walk and he’s getting women. I think is a scam but if you want to waste your money go ahead. In my opinion most of you falling for this crap just need a vacation and A Foreign Affair is the best money I’ve ever spent.