Is a Scam?
Well, based on my reviews, AshleyDates found at is not a dating website, it’s actually a promotional webpage, for dating websites that I consider to be fraudulent. If you want to join AshleyDates recommendations, based on my reviews, be aware of fake pictures and fake profiles on the dating websites is promoting. Based on my reviews there are a lot of fraudulent dating profiles there.
So for me I’m not calling them legit and I’m not calling a scam, it’s a promotional offer that I don’t recommend.
In my opinion, instead of wasting your time joining, consider a live webcam sex chat service like Live Jasmine. Now, when you join Live Jasmine you don’t have to worry about pictures of members being fraudulent because with Live Jasmine, what happens is the pictures of the members you see will lead to actual members’ live webcam.
This make Live Jasmine easy to verify pictures and profiles and as we know, a lot of Live Jasmine members are very accessible, especially after you chat with them and get them to like you.
If what you’re looking for is a legit adult dating website, AdultFriendFinder is the best sex-themed dating website I’ve reviewed so far. The first thing to remember about AdultFriendFinder is that they’ve been online since the mid-1990s. This, of course, means their not a scam, what’s the downside to AdultFriendFinder?
Well, like every other dating website, results will vary, even my review of AdultFriendFinder was time-consuming, it’s just that the results were undeniable, I think your location plays a huge role in the success you’ll have with AdultFriendFinder.
Anyway, I’m not recommending join them at your own risk, good luck if you do!