There’s another spammer to report on this time the spammer is using the domain name. Currently the domain name is afiliated with a known spammer AMPED Technologies. I’ve written about these spammers before and what they do is they sell peoples email addresses, and they have multiple domain names and they’ll spam you from these domain names without your permission. Reviews for all the websites AMPED Technologies is affiliated with are scams, if you read any legit review regarding AMPED Technologies chances are that reviewer is affiliated with AMPED Technologies supposedly located at 1333A North Ave #336 New Rochelle, NY 10804. The email address of the spammer that messaged me was:
friend request promo noreply@
and the subject of the email message sent to me from noreply@ stated the following:
MollyMolly added you as a friend request
The actual spam email message sent to me from noreply@ contained spammy links however I didn’t include them shen publishing this blog post. The remainder of the noreply@ spam email message can be viewed below:
By accepting this friend request you get full access to her profile and photo album
Accept This Request Here
At the bottom of the noreply@ spam email message it stated the following:
You are currently subscribed to receive offers, email alerts and communication from the Online Dating Networks at Your Email Address here.
Visit this page to be removed from future offers and notifications.
AMPED Technologies 1333A North Ave #336 New Rochelle, NY 10804
For the record I din’t include my email address above for obvious reasons. is in violation of sending spam emails, I’ve asked to be removed from these types of spam emails and they continue which is why I’ll continue to expose these scammers and spammmers so people can find the source. is a scam, it’s not legit. I recommend staying away from them and reporting them for the fraudsters that they are.
If you’re looking for a legit adult sex dating website that won’t spam you, sell your email address or scam you stick with AdultFriendFinder. As I’ve stated in plenty of blog posts they’re the only sex dating website I’ve tried that works.