jaqueline-simoneaux.us SPAM!
If you’re reading this chances are you received an fraudulent spam email from jaqueline-simoneaux.us doing my research currently i appears that jaqueline-simoneaux.us has it’s domain name forwarded to hotlocalgirl.com which we all know is a scam that uses fake pictures and fake profiles. If you read any reviews about these “.us” scammers it’s clear to see they’re not legit and if you review any of the sites they’re promoting they’re all scams that are doing nothing to stop the spam emails being sent. The spammer that emailed myself was Jaqueline Simoneaux jaqueline_simoneaux(at)jaqueline-simoneaux.us the subject of this fraudulent email stated the following:
Frankly speaking… I WANT YOU!
The body of the email came with the following message along with a stolen picture of a porn star that added to this blog post.
You know… I’m not gonna play stupid games with you…
I really like you..seriously!
We’ll not waist our time on endless chatter or other bullshit.
Let’s make magic now…you know what I mean ;))You’ll find me here: jaqueline-simoneaux.us
I’m waiting for ya!
Yes in case you noticed I removed the link that came with the email. I did this because it contained a malicious virus. If you came to my blog looking for the best live adult webcam sex community go to Jasmin live there you’ll find real people and unlike those scams pics can be verified on webcam.