I don’t want to waste time talking about and it’s association with Jesse J and the scam that is My recommendation is if you received an email from erin_arreola(at) or something similar and it had the subject
Frankly speaking… I WANT YOU!
and in the bottom of the email it said something like that by the way for this review I removed the link because this isn’t legit and don’t people to click the link and get malicious downloads which is often the case with reviews about spam emails. I also tried to add the picture that was sent with the email to this post by the way the picture is one of an amateur porn model.
You know… I’m not gonna play stupid games with you…
I really like you..seriously!
We’ll not waist our time on endless chatter or other bullshit.
Let’s make magic now…you know what I mean ;))You’ll find me here:
I’m waiting for ya!
This email is and the site it’s recommending is straight bullshit so if I were you I wouldn’t sign up with that said do what you want. If you’re looking for a legit webcam community Jasmin live which is a site where pictures can be verified via webcam if the person is online the same time you are.